
New Museums + Heritage Award put to sector-wide vote

The award, judged by everyone is the sector, will recognise a supplier for its positive difference to the sector

A new category has been revealed for the first time ahead of this year’s Museums + Heritage Awards, and it will take a brand new approach to crowning a winner.

Alongside the regular categories, this year’s awards ceremony will see one company named ‘Innovator of the Year’.

Suppliers across the sector are now invited to submit their video pitches and explain their innovation, be that a product or service, and how it is making a positive difference in the world of museums, galleries, heritage and cultural visitor attractions.

The award could recognise a company for its cutting-edge technology, its developments in sustainability, its contributions to an exhibition or its facilitation in closer community engagement.

Voters will be asked to choose their winner based on the passion, quality and performance of the company, and what makes them stand out from other suppliers and competitors.

The winner will be selected by the sector-wide vote after viewing the shortlisted videos and casting their vote online. The ‘Innovator of the Year’ will be given an opportunity to present at the Museums + Heritage Show and will be featured on Advisor.

Companies hoping to be crowned ‘Innovator of the Year’ will need to submit a video of up to three minutes which clearly explains the product or service, and why they are worthy of this title.

Key dates

Entry deadline: 23:59 hrs (GMT) on Wednesday 1 March 202
Shortlist announced: Thursday 9 March 2023
Winners announced: at a live ceremony in London on the evening of Wednesday 10 May 2023