Tag: Restoration
Mather & Co completes first phase of four-year Quarry Bank project
The £9.4m project which is partly Heritage Lottery funded (£3.9m granted in 2015) is scheduled for completion in its entirety by 2020, but the first phase, to design and interpret three ‘back shed’ spaces and the wider garden landscape, has… Read more
Mather & Co takes on three ecclesiastical projects in Lincoln, St Albans and Sheffield
Mather & Co has begun 2017 with its own special kind of ecclesiastical hat-trick as it begins three cathedral projects at Lincoln, St Albans and the Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield Earlier this month the exhibition design specialists helped… Read more
Selectaglaze use its expertise in the conservation of Banqueting House at the heart of Whitehall
In 1619-22 after its predecessor was destroyed by fire, Inigo Jones designed the Banqueting House we see today. Since its erection, Banqueting House has stood witness to many historical events; its main use was to host State events, masques,… Read more