Free entry for nationals secured in spending review but many museums await cuts from squeezed local authorities
The DCMS received an overall cut of five per cent, to include a 20 per cent cut to its administration budget, while ACE and England’s national museums will receive standstill budgets until 2019-20. However, museum directors across the country expressed… Read more
I Love Museums Roadshow launches at RAMM
The I Love Museums roadshow is travelling from Devon to Edinburgh, to highlight public support for our cultural institutions and asking people, ‘why do you love museums?’. The UK’s Museums and Galleries are more popular than ever… Read more
Museum funding: a continuing battle against cuts
The latest deadline for funding from Arts Council England will take place on Thursday (November 6) as the first round of applications for the new Museums Resilience Fund are submitted, kick-starting funding for 2015-2018… Read more