Tag: Fun Palaces
Fun Palaces 2016 gets underway with scores of events in venues across the country
This weekend 280 Fun Palaces will pop up across the country and globally as revelers of all descriptions immerse themselves in culture from indoor and outdoor activities to science lessons, art and plays. Inspired by celebrated theatre director… Read more
Thousands turn out to mark the first Fun Palaces event
Up to 40,000 people took part in 130 events as part of the inaugural Fun Palaces event across the UK at the weekend in a celebration of engagement in art and science… Read more
The launch of Fun Palaces set to sweep the country with adventure
More than 125 Fun Palaces will spring up across the country tomorrow and Sunday featuring a fun forest, mermaids and a plethora of theatre-related events as part of a mass celebration of art and science. Read more