A photo from the M+H Show 2019

New ‘Museums Mix’ space to provide networking opportunities at Museums + Heritage Show

The Museums Mix area will be led by a wide range of sector support organisations, who will offer their time and expertise to attendees across a wide-range of themes.

The Museums + Heritage Show is just six weeks away, and it will be a bumper return to in-person events with a new area dedicated to face-to-face networking and peer-to-peer support.

The Museums Mix area will be led by a wide range of sector support organisations, who will offer their time and expertise to attendees across a wide-range of themes.

Visitors to the Show will be able to use this brand new area to make new connections, gain valuable advice, and even advance their career with Fair Museum Job’s CV Clinic.

Across the two day event, taking place at Olympia in London on 11-12 May 2022, these informal and relaxed sessions are the perfect opportunity to chat with fellow professionals in person , to discuss challenges, share ideas and build relationships.

Returning to in-person networking after two years stuck behind a monitor is a great way to meet new people and make connections across the sector. If you’re a museum or heritage professional, then come along for a packed schedule of talks and exhibitors, and stay for the expert advice.

There will be a total of 10 Museums Mix sessions taking place, running on the hour every hour across the two days.

Networks hosting sessions include by Kids in Museums, the Association for Heritage Interpretation, the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, the Touring Exhibitions Group, Queer Cultural and Heritage Network, GLAM Cares, the Group for Education in Museums, the Association of Independent Museums, Families in Museums, Fair Museum Jobs and the Museums + Galleries Network for Exhibition Touring.

There’s no need to register individually for the talks or Museums Mix – attendees can access everything for free by registering for a single free pass.

The full programme of talks is available here.

Museums Mix Schedule

Museums Mix with Kids in Museums

Wed 11 May
Theme: Community Engagement
Meet with Kids in Museums Peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with AHI

Wed 11 May
Theme: Interpretation
Meet with the Association for Heritage Interpretation for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with CLOTC

Wed 11 May
Theme: Learning
Meet with Learning Outside the Classroom for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with TEG

Wed 11 May
Theme: Partnerships & Co-curation
Meet with the Touring Exhibitions Group for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with GLAM Cares

Wed 11 May
Theme: Wellbeing
Meet with GLAM Cares for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with QCHN

Wed 11 May
Theme: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Meet with Queer Cultural and Heritage Network for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with GEM

Thu 12 May
Theme: Learning
Meet with the Group for Education in Museums for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with AIM

Thu 12 May
Theme: Resilience & Transformation
Meet with the Association of Independent Museums for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with Families in Museums

Thu 12 May
Theme: Community Engagement
Meet with Families in Museums for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with Fair Museum Jobs

Thu 12 May
Theme: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, People
Meet with Families in Museums peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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Museums Mix with MAGNET

Thu 12 May
Theme: Partnerships & Co-curation
Meet with Museums + Galleries Network for Exhibition Touring for peer-to-peer support, chat and networking.
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