
London Transport Museum thanks volunteers after vandals halt event

Image: The 1938 burgundy Underground train before it was vandalised (London Transport Museum)

Vandals reportedly damaged a historic tube train over the weekend leading to the cancellation of a planned journey across London’s stations

London Transport Museum has thanked visitors for their support and volunteers for their help after vandals damaged a train which had been billed to appear at a weekend event.

On Saturday evening the museum announced that its planned heritage journeys event, which was due to take place the following day along the Piccadilly line, had been cancelled due to vandalism to its restored 1938 Tube stock train.

The Underground train was set to make a trip across central London, from Acton Town station through to Oakwood station.

The museum has since given its thanks to ticketholders for the event for being so supportive and co-operative with the sudden change of plans.”

The museum said a team of its specialists and workers from the London Underground have been assessing the damage, with initial work to restore and repair the exterior of the vehicle already underway.

“We would also like to say a massive thank you to our amazing volunteers who have helped with the repair efforts, and to everyone who has donated to support the Museum”, the museum wrote in a post to social media.