To demonstrate its support for the nation’s armed forces communities, Birmingham Museums Trust has signed the Armed Forces Covenant.
Birmingham Museums Trust, which oversees nine cultural sites across the West Midlands, has made a formal commitment to military personnel, veterans and their families by signing the Armed Forces Covenant. The document was drawn up so members of the armed forces know they will be treated fairly at any signatory site.
In a ceremony held at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Dr Ellen McAdam, director of Birmingham Museums Trust, and Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Dines, Commanding Officer of 159 Regiment Royal Logistic Corps, signed the memorandum to formalise the cultural organisation’s pledge.
The Trust has already made several commitments to armed forces personnel in the past, including offering support to reservists who may need leave for training. The organisation also works to improve the employment opportunities of veterans, along with those of military spouses and partners. Discounts and admission exemptions are also afforded to members of the armed forces by the Trust.
“As part of our inclusive approach to audiences we will do all that we can to ensure that serving personnel, veterans and their families have every chance to participate in the services we provide,” McAdam stated after signing the memorandum.
“We look forward to working with partners to create new programmes for this special audience and promote our support for them publicly. My father and his two brothers served in the RAMC, RAF and Royal Navy during and after WWII, so this is a cause that is particularly close to my heart.”
Within the signing ceremony, Birmingham Museums Trust received the Bronze Award in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, recognising its commitment to upholding the values in the Covenant.
“Dr Ellen McAdam and her team have been incredibly diligent in creating some unique pledges along with an impressive plan as to how they will deliver against each pledge,” noted Siamha Butt, head of engagement at the West Midland Reserve Forces & Cadets Association. “We very much look forward to working with them in the years to come.”