The Welsh Government review looked at the current and future plans by local authorities to deliver local museum services in Wales
The purpose of the Expert Review of Local Museum Provision in Wales 2015 report by the Welsh Government was to review the proposed changes by local authorities to local museum provision from April 2014 and identify opportunities for collaboration, partnership and innovation.
In October 2014, the Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Ken Skates who appointed an expert panel, chaired by Dr Haydn E Edwards, Vice President of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales. The Panel comprised Adrian Babbidge of Egeria Consultancy, Professor Gaynor Kavanagh, Cardiff Metropolitan University, and Peter Gomer, Policy Officer, Welsh Local Government Association.

Between November 2014 and May 2015 the panel met 10 times, during which it interviewed 20 representatives from 10 different bodies.
“Although our focus was on local authority museums, we also considered a representative sample of independent local museums and looked at the role of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales,” the report states. “As part of the consultation, we hosted two regional meetings, in Llandudno Junction and Merthyr Tydfil, which were attended by a total of 61 delegates. We received 29 written submissions. In addition, we considered evidence provided in 2014 by 21 local authorities.”
The Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism will make a formal response to the review recommendations later in the autumn.