
TownsWeb Archiving release free Digitisation Data Storage Calculator

TownsWeb Archiving have just released a free Digitisation Data Storage Calculator (currently in Beta) – a resource to help organisations calculate data storage requirements while planning for digitisation projects

The storage calculator works by simply inputting the size, desired output and quantity of the items you are planning to digitise, to calculate your data storage requirements as TIFFs, JPEGs and PDFs. Enter your email address to send a copy of your calculator result, straight to your inbox!

Why is it important to understand the data storage requirements for my digitisation project?

If you are considering a digitisation project for your collection, calculating your data storage requirements is an essential step to understanding the impact this will have for your organisation.

Calculating your data storage requirements will help you to understand and plan:

Technical requirements & costs: Do you currently have the storage capacity and infrastructure to safely store your digitised collection in the desired output? Large digitisation projects with many Terabytes of data require a much more robust storage solution and potentially more significant investment in software, to manage your digital content.

Planning for ongoing storage & management: As mentioned in our article, ‘Planning Digitisation Projects – Best Practice Tips’, digital preservation is an important factor to consider when planning your digitisation project. Depending on the amount of outputted data, you may be able to aptly manage the ongoing challenge of digital preservation within your organisation, for a larger data set you may consider third-party specialist software a viable solution to manage this risk.

Planning for Access & Publishing: If you are currently planning a digitisation project, publishing your content for digital access is likely to be something you are considering. Archiving publishing software, such as our PastView system work to provide the lowest ongoing costs possible, only charging you for the amount of data you upload. If you are planning the publication of a larger collection, the associated data costs will increase respectively.

Click the link below to discover our new, Digitisation Data Storage Calculator. We will be adding plenty of new features soon, including the option to select different material types, such as 35mm slides or glass plate negatives.

Click here to use the calculator