
St Peter and Pauls Primary takeover South Shields Museum and Art Gallery

Main Image: St Peter and Pauls Primary pupils Lexi Cairns and Lainey Stidwell who tookover South Shields Museum and Art Gallery

25 Year 5 children from St Peter and Paul’s Primary supporting the learning programme at South Shields Museum and Art Gallery, part of Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums, by creating an exhibition of written and art based work to accompany an existing WW1 exhibition

Emilia Martinez and Aarna Kuhadiya were helping with the learning programme

Leslie Palanker, Assistant Learning Officer said: “Takeover Day is a great way to offer local school children from  predominantly economically deprived areas the opportunity to engage with museums for free, without pressures, and to have open ended learning and fun that gives them a real feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.”