Article: David Styles | Image: © Jeff Ashton
A trio of dual attraction ticketing options are now being offered to visitors to the Lake District, courtesy of collaboration between several of the region’s heritage attractions.
Ullswater Steamers, Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway, Lowther Castle, Lakeside & Haverthwaite Railway and Eskdale Mill have all been involved in the process which has seen three new joint venue tickets made available to the public.
The combination of entry to industrial heritage attractions or stately homes and gardens in conjunction with tickets to heritage railway trips and boat excursions has never before been offered to visitors on a single pass.
Ticketing together
The newly established dual tickets are:
Cruise & Castle – Lowther Castle & Gardens and Ullswater Steamers
Mill & Railway – Eskdale Mill and Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway
Little & Large – Lakeside & Haverthwaite and Ravenglass & Eskdale Railways

The time for launching such an initiative was deemed perfect by the organisations involved, with research recently undertaken by Lakes Culture finding 82% of visitors to the national park rated the cultural offer in the region as either ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
All three joint tickets can be purchased online or on the door at any of the participating attractions.

Rachel Bell, head of marketing & business development at Lake District Estates, said: “by offering combined tickets we aim to make it easier for people to plan their holiday activities and also provide a saving on the price of booking individual experiences.
“The Lake District has an abundance of locations and activities offer and we want to encourage visitors to explore more of the region whilst they are here.”