
Prettygate Junior School takes over Hollytrees Museum and Colchester Visitor Information Centre

By a year five pupil

Today Prettygate Junior School took over Hollytrees Museum, part of Colchester and Ipswich Museums, taking on front of house roles and searching for new ideas for the shop

Some pupils were working on the front desk, dressing up in costumes and running social media. Later we are going to help the museum staff to help create the Christmas Trail. Everybody got to work with the visitor information centre to tell people about their favourite place in Colchester. Some people are also helping in the shop. Ethan said: “We are looking through catalogues to find new things for the shop!”

A total of 20 children in year 5 got picked and the museum thought it was very helpful because they got to find out what young people think.

The best things about coming the museum are looking at all the amazing history and seeing lots of interesting information. George said: “I like the museum because it has lots of different types of objects.”

Here are what some of the children thought should be added to the museum. One person said there should be more animals but maybe they could go to Colchester’s Natural History Museum! Another person said they would like to see more old teddies.

The museum was fun and noisy because all the children were enjoying themselves. One of the Curators said: “We are thrilled to have Prettygate taking over Hollytrees today – they’ve all been fantastic.”