
National Trust’s Winchester City Mill gets interpretive exhibition

Fitzpatrick Woolmer Design & Publishing Ltd completes inspiring interpretation displays, physical exhibits and hands-on interactives help visitors immerse themselves in the history and heritage of Winchester City Mill

In the heart of Winchester resides the City Mill, a working water mill that has harnessed the power of the River Itchen for over a millennia. This restored National Trust property is brimming with character, offering an historic and educational milling experience.

The National Trust were looking to document the history of their mill, creating a new ‘spirit of place’ where visitors can see the transformation and how everything works in the present day.

FWDP’s interpretation takes you on a journey through time to discover the origins of milling. Become a miller for the day with hands-on displays such as the milling wheel and grind grain into flour or maybe take a browse through the process timeline to understand how flour is a staple ingredient in our everyday food.

“FWDP were appointed on behalf of the National Trust and the South Downs National Park Authority to develop a new Gateway venue within Winchester City Mill, while jointly re-interpreting and updating the museum’s visitor displays,” said Ric Weeks – Property Manager. “The interpretation they subsequently produced is both innovative and engaging for all ages, while at the same time staying true to the integrity of an historic property. ”

The FWDP team began with a consultation period to fully understand the unique nature of the property and the requirements of our visitors. The team then consulted throughout the process of the design stages with both partners to ensure that there was full understanding and cooperation.