
National Museums Liverpool launches range of branded craft beers

Image: Julie O’Grady showcases NML x Neptune craft lager and pale ale at National Museums Liverpool’s Season Launch © Pete Carr Photography

The cans of larger and pale ale will be made exclusively available at NML venues next year

National Museums Liverpool (NML) has unveiled a set of craft beers, brewed exclusively for its venues across the city.

Neptune Brewery worked in collaboration with museum staff and local businesses to create the beers, which will first be made available at NML events, and on sale in the Maritime Museum and Museum of Liverpool cafés.

Plans are in place to extend sales across all venues in 2024, and visitors can also purchase the pale ale and larger cans to take away.

National Museums Liverpool x Neptune Brewery craft Pale and Lager are available in museums venues now © Neptune Brewery.jpg

The partnership between the brewery and the museums first came about during Liverpool’s Eurovision celebrations. Neptune worked with NML as part of the museums’ programme of celebratory events during the Eurovision Festival.

Julie O’ Grady, Neptune Brewery co-founder and head of sales, said: “Neptune Brewery and National Museums Liverpool share much of the same ethos and commitment to championing creativity and sustainability, and celebrating the best of what our city has to offer.”

Kerry Williams, head of creative partnerships and strategic development for National Museums Liverpool said the partnership will also include “one-off events” at its venues.

Williams added: “Working with the Neptune Brewery team and their team of expert brewers, we are excited for people to come and enjoy their new creation.”