As a torrid year for the sector draws to a close, Kids in Museums is aiming to go out on a high by welcoming the 1,000th signatory to its Manifesto.
The document, last updated in March 2019, was created with children, young people and families so that museums, heritage sites and other cultural organisations could better understand and serve these audiences.

The first incarnation of the resource was published back in 2004 and has continued to evolve with the sector to remain current throughout a decade and a half of perpetual change.
The current list of signatories, that could easily be mistaken for a who’s who of culture sectors organisations, is now tantalisingly close to 1,000 – a figure the organisation would like to reach before year end.
Why might your organisation need the Manifesto?
The Kids in Museums Manifesto can:
- Be used as an audit tool
The resource can enable an organisation to assess how welcoming and inclusive it is to children, young people and families - Help with Arts Council museum accreditation
It links to both ‘Understand and develop your audiences’ and ‘Engage with your users, and improve their experience’ criteria - Promote a site and evidence values
The Kids in Museums logo can be used in a venue or on a website to show commitment to being friendly and welcoming - Be used as a framework for improvement
Certain Manifesto points can be selected as a focus for future work - Serve as an advocacy document
The Manifesto can be used to demonstrate the need to embed a family friendly approach across an organisation
Kids in Museums, which runs the ever-popular Takeover Day and Family Friendly Museum Award, used the #MusMeme day earlier this month to highlight its goal of ending 2020 with a landmark achievement.
How it started how it's going#MusMeme
— Kids in Museums (@kidsinmuseums) December 9, 2020
If your organisation is not a Manifesto signatory but is interested in becoming one then click here for more information or to sign up.