
Green light for ‘creative and community campus’ at Chiswick House and Gardens

Image: Chiswick House, The Cedar Yards- Approach From Conservatory (We Made That)

Underused areas of the West London Manor house and grounds will be turned into a learning hub, volunteer base, and workspace for 100 artists and makers

Planning consent has been secured for a project at Chiswick House and Gardens which will see the creation of new community, creative and learning facilities.

Its Cedar Yards project sees various internal and external ‘back of house’ areas, including currently underused spaces, will be repurposed and to create what it calls a “creative and community campus”.

The new spaces at the West London manor house and grounds are being designed by architects We Made That and Chiswick House and Gardens Trust (CHGT).

An initial placemaking strategy sees four of a total 14 updates set to be delivered in the first phase of works.

These include a new net zero Learning Hub, an indoor space enabling horticultural and creative learning activities for more than 7,000 participants annually, alongside office and social space for staff, gardeners and volunteers.

Chiswick House The Cedar Yards Illustrations (We Made That)

A new Volunteer Base is hoped to provide a practical amenity space to support over 200 volunteers.

A Fruit Garden involves the conversion of a currently unused and overgrown late 17th Century ‘secret’ walled garden to provide a new outdoor garden for local groups, schools, and families to participate in horticulture-themed activities throughout the year.

The Creative Campus involves the conversion of the currently underused historic Back Sheds and Stables to create workspaces for up to 100 artists and makers.

Holly Lewis, Co-founding Director at We Made That, said: “Securing planning consent for these projects will transform the estate and deliver so much value to both the charitable trust and local community – we are very much looking forward to turning our vision into a reality over the coming months and years.”

Xanthe Arvanitakis, Director of Chiswick House and Gardens Trust, added: “By re-working unused ‘back of house’ areas at Chiswick House, we are creating a space that will boost cultural and creative activity in the local area, create more public green space, and allow us to expand our valuable learning and community work, which is currently running at capacity.”