
Director General appointed as ICOM aims to become ‘renewed institution’

Image: Medea Ekner (ICOM)

The new appointment at the international organisation follows a stint as its interim Director General

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) has announced the appointment of Medea Sógor Ekner as its Director General.

The appointment follows Ekner stepping in as interim Director General last June.

Ekner brings over twenty-five years of experience in the art and museum sector in Sweden and New Zealand, and prior experience within ICOM.

She served as Vice-Chairperson of the ICOM Advisory Council until her appointment last year, and has previously served as Chair of ICOM Sweden and Board Member of the ICOM Nord Regional Alliance. She is currently on the Board of Trustees of the European Museum Forum.

ICOM said Ekner was an “ideal choice” describing a “diverse background encompasses strategic planning, museum innovation, and fostering international collaboration”

ICOM President Emma Nardi added: “ICOM values its historical heritage, but also recognizes the need for a renewed institution that adapts to today’s world. I am convinced that Medea Ekner, as Director General, is the ideal person to both preserve our traditions and drive innovation.”

As Director General, Ekner will work closely with ICOM’s Executive Board, ICOM committees, and Secretariat to develop and present strategic initiatives that advance the organisation’s goals under the 2022-2028 Strategic Plan, and beyond.

On her appointment, Ekner said: “I’m honored by the continued trust from the ICOM Executive Board, humbled to accept this responsibility, and excited to fulfill the goals and missions, as well as to meet the challenges, of a global organisation in transition.”