
Arts Council to research experiences of museum freelancers

An online survey will ask freelance workers in the museum sector about their experiences and working conditions.

Arts Council England is looking for freelancers in the museum sector to take part in a new survey collecting their experience.

The survey has been launched as part of its “commitment to increase our support for freelancers, and will help us to understand the challenges workers in the cultural sector face, and work towards creating policies that will address them” it said.

It is part of a larger study by researchers at the University of Essex on behalf of Arts Council England, which aims to understand the working conditions and experiences of freelancers employed in England’s creative and cultural sector.

Alongside those working freelance in the museum sector, the organisation is also collecting feedback from those who work or have worked in libraries, literature, theater, combined arts, music, and dance.

Michelle Dickson, Director of Strategy at Arts Council England said: “The creativity and innovation of freelancers play an integral part in fuelling the cultural sector and wider creative industries, and we’re really looking forward to hearing about your experience.

“By taking part in this survey you’ll be helping us to understand the opportunities and challenges that you’re facing, which will help us at the Arts Council develop better policies and advocate for a fairer and more sustainable future for workers across the cultural sector.”

Freelancers wishing to take part can do so via the online survey.