Paisley Museum

£2m Scottish Government pledge boosts Paisley Museum renovation project

Article: David Styles | Image: © Renfrewshire Council

The Scottish Government has committed £2 million to support the transformation of Paisley Museum as part of its latest spending plans.

The restoration project, which is expected to be completed by 2022, is designed to transform the site into a “world-class destination” for arts and culture that can attract around 125,000 visitors each year.

The £42 million Paisley Museum Reimagined project forms part of Renfrewshire Council’s wider £100 million investment in venues and outdoor spaces in order to tempt global audiences into visiting the area.

It is hoped that transforming the museum, as part of an initiative made possible with backing from Renfrewshire Council and Round One funding from both the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Capital Grant Fund, could provide a £79 million boost for the local economy over three decades.

Employment in the region is also set to rise, with 138 jobs being supported during construction and a further 48 jobs per year when the space opens to the public.

Find out how Paisley Museum will look following its £42 million renovation…

Announcing the latest £2 million in funding for the scheme, Scotland’s cabinet secretary for culture, tourism and external affairs, Fiona Hyslop, said a renovated Paisley Museum will “engage the local community and showcase the design heritage of this town to the wider world, while contributing to the overall regeneration of Paisley.”

Renfrewshire Council leader, Iain Nicolson, went on to say that he and his colleagues are “delighted that the Scottish Government is fully behind the project and welcome their support as we invest in our unique culture and heritage to transform our future.

“Growing our tourism and visitor numbers is a key focus of our work to create a strong, thriving local economy, bringing more people into work, with more secure jobs and better wages.”