It’s an exciting moment for our company. For the first time in our 133-year history, we are sharing behind-the-scenes of our comprehensive training. Following part one, we are now able to reveal an in-depth account of our recent collaboration with the British Museum.
In August this year, we were fortunate to share our knowledge and expertise with 12 delegates from the British Museum International Training Programme. These museum and heritage professionals from around the world were given a comprehensive look at the operations behind our organisation; focussing on airport training, tour of our warehouses and presentation on the art handling process.
To begin, the participants had a busy morning ahead of them. Constantine Airport Representatives Steve Richards and Wayne Massey guided the group through the Airline Cargo Warehouseand they learnt about the process of unloading crates on the truck and crate palletisation.
Next, the group were shown the various ULDs (Unit Loading Devices) and why they are used for different aircrafts. They discovered the best practice for securing a crate onto a pallet or in a ULD, and the various security screenings that can be used. Different types of aircrafts were also discussed, particularly relating to storage holds. Lastly, the Airport Representatives demonstrated the loading process onto the aircraft.

In the afternoon the group travelled to our head office in South London. They were given a tour of our fine art storage facilities and packing warehouse with General Manager of Operations Charl Du Plooy, who was eager to show the group around. They were shown into our main warehouses, one of which has been compared to the warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark. They met our expert packing team, who described the process of finishing crates to our clients’ bespoke specifications. It gave the delegates a fantastic insight into the day to day running of a fine art logistics company and all the expertise and skill required.
The day was concluded with a presentation by our Head of Technical Team, Mark Hunt, who has worked at Constantine for 20 years. He spoke to the group about ‘Risk Management in Art Handling’. This talk covered storage, transport, art handling, packing and installation of priceless art work and antiquities.

Our technical team have a combined experience of 37 years managing and handling artwork. Detailed background research is imperative before a project can begin and all areas must be assessed, including: fragility, weight and age of the piece, surrounding space, end destination, structure and age of the building.
We were thrilled to have been given the opportunity once again to be a part of the ITP’s Summer Programme and equally as delighted to have been mentioned by some of the participants as a highlight of their visit.
If you would like to find out more about this Programme, visit the British Museum’s website.
We are constantly updating an evolving our training to ensure clients receive the latest information and developments in our industry. Find out more by emailing: [email protected]. Or check out our website: