Welcome to M+H

Museums + Heritage, often known simply as M+H, is a business that has been at the centre of connecting the world of museums, galleries and heritage visitor attractions since 1991. We understand the sector, we know the movers and shakers and over the years we have successfully grown our reach and strengthened our influence, to ensure that we are best placed to help. Find out more about the M+H Show, Awards and Advisor below.


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M+H Show

Come together, learn together

The sector’s largest free-to-attend event, the annual Museums + Heritage Show is the place to build knowledge, network with colleagues and to source new products and services.


“Excellent show! A good mix of exhibitors, with a wide range of products and services relevant to all different types of heritage sites. I got lots of ideas to enhance the ranges in our shop. The talks were given by experts in their field, I found myself leaving at the end of one and joining the one next door because the subject was so interesting!”

– Carolyn Atkinson, Chichester Cathedral
M+H Awards

Shortlist to be announced in March

The Awards are open to all museums, galleries, archives, and cultural and heritage organisations, both digital and in-person. Find out who won at the Museums + Heritage Awards 2024.
